English Comprehension

Directions for 1 to 3: 
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
      Where did the matter and energy of the Big Bang originate? Science cannot answer the question at present. In fact it seems impossible-perhaps likely-that it will never be able to answer that question. For it, matter existed in atomic form before the Big Bang, it did not carry information with it through the Big Bang. Thus the matter itself cannot tell us anything about its pre-big bang history. 
         Does this mean that science can say that there must be a creator, and that science has, after all, found a need for God? An Individual scientist may believe this, but science itself cannot use God as the explanation for the Big Bang. Science cannot use God for any explanation. It has been said that science avoids God. It does, indeed. The reason that science does not use God for explanations is basically that science has been successful in explaining the material world without reference to a God. Science, by intention, uses natural causes to explain natural effects. 
    We say that science is successful in its method because scientific explanations of the workings of the material world have led us to further understanding of that world. The fact that success has come without reference to God indicates that the material universe seems to be describable by completely Natural Principles. 
       What about cases where science is unable to find an answer? If science, when it comes to something that it cannot explain at that time, were to explain it by reference to God, the search for an explanation would end. If Newton had used God as an explanation for why things fall to Earth, he would never have developed the Theory of Gravitation. If we use God as an explanation for the Big Bang, there would be no reason to look further for a natural explanation. Use of super-natural explanations would shut down science. History however, tells us that it is profitable to look for natural explanations. Super natural explanations cannot be used in Natural Science. 
        There is another reason that science cannot use God for an explanation, and this relates to the reason that traditional science does not accept creationism as a science: A theory of science must be able to be shown wrong. A theory must be testable. Every theory must be regarded as tentative, as being only the best theory we have at present. It must contain within itself its own possibility of destruction. The 1948 prediction concerning cosmic background radiation was such a case. If the background radiation had not been found, the big bang theory would have had to have been adjusted, or—if enough such contradictions appeared— the theory would have had to be dropped and replaced with another. This has happened a number of times in science. It happened to the Steady State Theory and to other theories presented in the text. On the other hand, if science relied on a creator to explain the inexplicable, there would be nowhere to go, no way to prove that explanation wrong.
         This is not to say that God might not be the Explanation. Many people believe that a creator is the ultimate explanation of everything. Perhaps some questions, like the origin of the material for the Big Bang, simply cannot be answered without reference to a creator. But in that case, science simply cannot answer the question. The question is beyond the realm of science. Science does not deny the existence of God. God is simply outside its realm.

1. Reasons are suggested for discarding god as scientific explanation; which one does the passage not suggest?
A. Science doesn’t embrace the beliefs of its populating members.
B. Creationism as a theory is not proscribed in science.
C. Material universe seems to be delineated by completely Natural Principles.
D. The progress of science lies in its theories being provisional.

2. Which if these would be a close representation of facts from paragraph 5?
A. Not believing in God has furthered science with the proposition of new theories.
B.  Scientific theory inherently needs readjustment if not for chance discoveries.
C. to prove that creationism is wrong, science would have to accept it first.
D.  Cosmic radiation has meant that Big Bang theory is readjusted.

3. Describe in a word the tone of the passage.
A. Acrimonious
B. Pusillanimous
C. Descriptive
D.  Skeptical

Directions for 4 to 10: 
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the word in bold font
4. I still owe him that modicum of discretion.
A. Option
B. Trifle
C. Authority
D. Responsibility

5. We had a car industry in India that was free of encumbrances like competition.
A. Motivations
B. Obstacles
C. Burdens
D. Detractors

6. This masterpiece, originally a wedding present, is still preserved in intaglio.
A. Memory
B. Incisione
C. Intact
D. Chemical

7. Both homilies are repeated so often that few remember their purpose.
A. Platitude
B. Theory
C. Phrase
D. Homograph

8. The fault is overwhelmingly that of its own fecund residents.
A. Apathetic
B. Fertile
C. Feline
D. Farcical

9. Talks were desultory, and he did not know if the two companies would get together.
A. Digressive
B. Disconnected
C. Disappointing
D. Haphazard

10. The news had left him in a state of disquietude.
A. Elation
B. Unease
C. Anguish
D. Boredom
1. C                               6. B
2. A                              7. A
3. A                               8. B
4. B                               9. C
5. C                               10.B

Aptitute Question SET 6

Directions for 1 to 10:
For the following questions, four options are given. Choose the best option.

1. What is the total face value of stocks, available at Rs.95 each, that can be purchased by investing Rs.1905 (brokerage Rs.0.25 per share)?
B. Rs.1975
C. Rs.2000

2. A man sells Rs.5000 face value, 12% stock at Rs.156 each and invests the proceeds partly in 8% stock at Rs.90 and 9% stock at Rs.108. He thereby increased his income by Rs.70. How much of the proceeds were invested in each of the stocks, taken in the same order?
A. Rs.4200, Rs.3600
B. Rs.3600, Rs.4200
C. Rs.3400, Rs.4400
D. Rs.4400, Rs.3400

3. An investor owning 1000, Rs.5 face value shares in a company sells 400 of them at Rs.6.75 each. He invests the proceeds in a stock at Rs.90. The total income of the investor in 1 year, when a divided of 6.5% p.a. is paid on shares and 7.25% on stock, is
A. Rs.412.50
B. Rs.450.75
C. Rs.512.35
D. Rs.452.40

4. A person invests Rs.14970 in the purchase of 3% stock at Rs.90 each & % stock at Rs.97 each. His total income was Rs.500. How many shares of each type did he buy?
A. 102, 60
B. 100, 65
C. 95, 70
D. 105, 60

5. A person has 3% stock which yields Rs.240 per year. He sells out 1/4 of the stock at Rs.87.25 and invests the proceeds in Railway stock at Rs.174.5. What dividend should the latter pay so that he may increase his income by Rs.40?
A. 8%
B. 9%
C. 12%
D. 1%

6. A milk man borrowed Rs.2500 from two money lenders. For one loan, he paid 5% p.a. and for the other, he paid 7% p.a. The total interest paid for the two years was Rs.265. How much did he borrow at each rate?
A. Rs.2135, Rs.365
B. Rs.2000, Rs.500
C. Rs.2125, Rs.375
D. Rs.2200, Rs.300

7. Vijay obtains a loan of Rs.64000 against his fixed deposits. If the rate of interest be 2.5 paise per rupee per annum, then calculate the compound interest payable after 3 years.
A. Rs.4500
B. Rs.5200
C. Rs.4130
D. Rs.4921

8. What annual payment will discharge a debt of Rs.50440 due in 3 years at 5% per annum compounded annually?
A. Rs.17532
B. Rs.18522
C. Rs.19320
D. Rs.18922

9. A sum of money is put at compound interest for 2 years at 20% p.a. It would fetch Rs.482 more, if the interest were payable half-yearly, than if it were payable yearly. Find the sum.
A. Rs.18000
B. Rs.20000
C. Rs.25000
D. Rs.23000

10. The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs.300 after 5 years. In the next 5 years if principal is trebled, then what will be the total interest at the end of the 10th year?
A. Rs.1200
B. Rs.1125
C. Rs.1250
D. Rs.1500


1. B                               6. B
2. B                               7. B
3. A                               8. C
4. B                               9. B
5. C                              10.A

Aptitute Question SET 5

Directions for 1 to 10: 
 For the following questions, four options are given. Choose the best option.
1. A man would gain 20% by selling a chair for Rs.47.5 and would gain 15% by selling a table for Rs.57.5. He sells the chair for Rs.36. What is the least price for which he must sell the table to avoid any loss on the two items together?

A. Rs.50.2
B. Rs.55.8
C. Rs.60
D. Rs.53.6

2. The cost of 4 apples and 5 mangoes is Rs 35. The cost of an apple increases by 40% and the cost of a mango decreases by 40%. If the new cost of 4 apples and 5 mangoes is Rs.29, then the total cost of one apple and one mango is

A. Rs.7.50
B. Rs.10
C. Rs.4
D. Rs.8

3. A fruit seller has 24 kg of apples. He sells a part of them at 20% gain and the balance at a loss of 5%. If on the whole he earns a profit of 10%, then the quantity of apples sold at a loss is

A. 6 kg
B. 4.6 kg
C. 9.6 kg
D. 11.4 kg

4. A cycle dealer buys 30 bicycles for Rs.4725, of which 8 are first grade and the rest are second grade. At what price must he sell the first grade bicycles, so that if he sells the second grade bicycles at three quarter of this price, he makes a profit of 40% on his outlay?

A. Rs.291
B. Rs.312
C. Rs.270
D. Rs.300

5. Three partners invested capital in the ratio 2 : 7 : 9. The time period for which each of them invested was in a ratio of the reciprocals of the amount invested. Find the share of the partner who bought in the highest capital, if profit is Rs.1080.

A. Rs.540
B. Rs.360
C. Rs.420
D. Rs.720

6. A person invests Rs.14340 in stocks when they are at Rs. and sells when they are at Rs.93.25. What is his gain?

A. Rs.450
B. Rs.380
C. Rs.580
D. Rs.490

7. A person possesses Rs.3200 stock at 3%. He sells all the stocks at Rs. per share. He invests the proceeds in railway shares at Rs.56 per share, which pays per share 5% interest on Rs.45 (face value) as same price. How much is his income altered by the transaction?

A. Rs.25.50
B. Rs.32.25
C. Rs.20.32
D. Rs.28.75

8. A person sells Rs.5000 of 3% stock and buys 3.5% stock at Rs.87.5. If the increase in his income is Rs.5, then the price of the 3% stock is
A. Rs.80
B. Rs.82
C. Rs.77.5
D. Rs.78.5

9. The amount of stock of face value Rs. 100 each to be bought @ 3% at Rs. which is sold at Rs. and a profit of Rs.45 is made, is

A. Rs.1800
B. Rs.2000
C. Rs.2200
D. Rs.2500

10. A man invests in a company having face value of shares Rs.25 and pays 9% dividend p.a. The actual rate of return for the man turns out to be 10% on his investment. At what price did he buy the shares?

C. Rs.22.75
D. Rs.21.75

1. D                               6. C
2. A                               7. A
3. C                               8. D
4. C                               9. C
5. B                               10.D

Verbal Reasoning Set 1

Directions for 1 to 6:
 Please read the paragraph and answer the questions below Passage
       Essentially human weaknesses are the same the world over.Man is the same trousered ape, whether he is in Delhi or in Detroit, whether he trudges barefoot on dusty roads or flies at 600 miles an hour. Whichever degree of latitude or longitude you traverse and whether the man is in dhoti or in blue jeans, he is the same selfish, fallible creature with his irresistible impulse to put his personal or sectional interest above the national interest. No wonder the State has to control the antisocial impulses of its citizens. Nothing proliferates so rapidly and so inexorably as bureaucracy and an ever-growing civil service has become a major problem in the United States as it has in India. Dr.Moynihan, who was formerly the U.S. Ambassador to India, recently described the U.S. bureaucracy as "a pea-brained dinosaur". You find on many occasions that the  bureaucracy in the United States, as in India, has more information than knowledge, more knowledge than wisdom and more intelligence than imagination. Washington D.C . has been called "the malfunction junction" and I can name another city which deserves the title equally well. Having worked with government officials for more than a year, I have no doubt that the government has at its disposal highly equipped manpower, a larger pool of talent, expertise and dedication than the private sector or any other segment of society. But unfortunately there is something in the structure or system of a bureaucratic setup which prevents the highly gifted members of the civil service from giving their best to their country. Happy is the nation which can have civil\servants without the bureaucracy! President Harry Truman used to remark wryly that a President has to learn that he could give all the orders he pleased but the federal bureaucracy would not budge. When Jimmy Carter was campaigning for president in October 1976, he said that his administration would provide "incentives to individuals who saved the government money". He was referring to a dedicated civil servant, Ernest Fitzgerald, who was discharged from service in 1969 after revealing $ 2 billion in cost overruns associated with the purchase of a certain plane by the Government. However, Fitzgerald, who sued successfully to get back his job as civilian cost-cutting expert for the Air Force, finds it difficult even now to succeed in his fresh endeavors to save the government money. If the Fitzgerald case proves anything, it is that Hyman Rickover was only too right when he said, "If you must sin, sin against God, not against the bureaucracy. God may forgive you but the bureaucracy never will." In the United States, as in India, you hear constant complaints about excessive regulation and control. A well researched recent article in Newsweek disclosed some mind boggling facts. There are now no fewer than 87 federal entities that regulate U.S. business and to complete the 4,400 different forms they dispense requires 143 million man-hours of executive and clerical effort each year. The regulators are proposing so many new rules that the Federal Register has ballooned in size to nearly 70,000 pages annually. Companies complain that many of the rules are simply unnecessary. One agency often requests information already on file with another and at times rulings of one regulator conflict with that of another. The biggest complaint against regulation, however, is its sheer cost. Murrary Weidenbaum of the C enter for the Study of American Business at Washington University estimates the total annual bill at $ 103 billion. At General Motors, for example, more than 20,000 full-time employees work solely on government regulations. Hospitals are hard hit: in New York State, one-fourth of a patient's bill is attributed to the expense of satisfying rules of 164 government agencies. However, President Carter has succeeded in reducing federally mandated paperwork by 12 percent. Bureaucracy is the same the world over. Dr. Aziz Bindari blames the "catastrophic situation" in Egypt on the bureaucracy. "It's the country's fourth great pyramid. It guarantees societal inertia."

1. The main drawback of bureaucracy is
A. its excessive wisdom and imagination.
B. that it prevents gifted members from giving their best.
C. that it gives quality but delayed service.
D. Both

2. Bureaucracy is referred to in the passage as the fourth great pyramid, since it
A. manages to attract a lot of tourists.
B. is a modern-day wonder.
C. has awesome size and is unable to move.
D. preserves antiquated rules.

3.`Pea-brained dinosaur' implies
A. being alert like a particular dinosaur of the Jurassic age.
B. the presence of a few intelligent people amidst a large army of bureaucrats.
C. a well-rounded, cohesive organisation.
D. a bureaucracy of mammoth proportions displaying little intelligence

4. "God may forgive you but the bureaucracy never will" suggests that bureaucracies
A. exist for self-aggrandisement.
B. are often in the wrong but that no one dare point out their wrongs.
C. can digest and stomach criticism.
D. all over the world, possess massive egos

5. The remark, `Bureaucracy would not budge' specifically implies that it would not
A. work, no matter what.
B. change its well-set ways.
C. change for the better.
D. change its ways and execute orders.

6. The author's tone can be described as
A. sarcastic
B. provocative
C. reflective
D. humorous

1. B                              
2. C                              
3. D                              
4. B                              
5. D  
6.  C                           

Aptitute Question SET 4

1. Consider the set Sn = {n, n + 2, n + 4, n + 6, n + 8} where n is a natural number between  101 and 200 (both inclusive).
How many of the 100 possible sets contain a multiple of 7?
A. 71
B. 72
C. 70
D. None of these

2. For a Fibonacci sequence, from the third term onwards, each term in the sequence is the sum of the previous two terms in that sequence. If the difference in squares of seventh and sixth terms of this sequence is 517, what is the tenth term of this sequence?
A. 147
B. 76
C. 123
D. Cannot be determined

3. If x = 2 + 2^(2/3) + 2^(1/3), then the value of x^3 - 6(x^2) + 6x is
A. 4
B. 2
C. -2
D. 0

4. If a, b, c and d are four positive numbers such that their sum is 4, then the maximum value of 
(1 + a)(1 + b)(1 + c)(1 + d) is
A. 0
B. 8
C. 4
D. 16

5. An Alchemist has a few gold coins. During his dream journey, he exchanges some of these gold coins for a few goats. A particular city has three gates with a watchman guarding each of them. If he wants to enter a city, he has to give either gold coins or goats or both to each watchman. To the first watchman, he gives  1/3rd of his gold coins plus four goats, to the next watchman, he gives 1/3 of the remaining goats plus four coins. To the last watchman, he gives 1/3 of remaining gold coins and four goats. Now he has equal number of goats and coins. If he had 46 goats and coins in all before entering the first gate, find the number of coins he initially had if 1 goat cost him 3 gold coins.
A. 80
B. 120
C. 94
D. 90

6. If x, y, z are natural numbers such that x < y < z and 2^x + 2^y + 2^z = 112, then x + y + z equals
A. 14
B. 15
C. 13
D. 12

7. If r is a rational number and r^r is also a rational number, then which of the following may be true?
 I. r is a negative integer.
II. r is greater than 0 and less than 1. 
III. r is an integer greater than 1.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only I and III
D. I, II and III

8. A six-digit number begins with 2. If this digit is transferred from that place to the unit's place without changing the order of the other digits, the resulting number will be three times the initial number. Find the digit in the thousand's place of the initial number.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Directions for 9 to 10:

Refer to the information given below and answer the questions that follow
h(x) = x + x + x + x + x ....
g(x) =x*x*x*x*x*.......
f(x)  =(((x^x)^x)^x)^x.......
x is a whole number.
9. What is the remainder, when f(x) is divided by 5? (x = 2)

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of these

10. What is the remainder, when g(x) is divided by 5? (x = 2)
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. Cannot be determined


1. A                               6. B
2. C                               7. C
3. B                               8. C
4. D                               9. D
5. D                               10.D

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